A new year with many goals
The new year brings a lot of work with it. As I previously announced, there are many locomotive packs to be completed and released.
The configured locomotive packages
Class 41 Öl
After I released the class 41 / 041 coal-fired locomotives package, the class 41 / 042 oil-fired locomotives are to come. All locomotives will be included in the package. That means 40 locomotives from epoch III and 37 locomotives from epoch IV.
Class 44 Kohle / Öl
In addition to the announced package to replace the 44s from the GR range, there will be an additional package with 23 coal-fired and 35 oil-fired locomotives from epoch III and 42 coal-fired and 35 oil-fired locomotives from epoch IV.
Class 50
This will be the largest of the packages announced and is expected to be released in multiple parts. It will contain 185 class 50 locomotives, 38 class 050 locomotives, 23 class 051 locomotives, 42 class 052 locomotives and 5 class 053 locomotives.
Class 65
This package includes 18 epoch III locomotives and 12 epoch IV locomotives.
Class 78
This package includes 22 epoch III locomotives and 2 epoch IV locomotives.
Class 82
This package includes 41 epoch III locomotives and 16 epoch IV locomotives.
Class 94
This package includes 2 epoch III locomotives and 2 epoch IV locomotives.
Class V 100 Epoche IV
This package includes 185 class 110 locomotives, 45 class 112 locomotives, 51 class 114 locomotives and 12 class 115 locomotives.
Class V 60
This package includes 48 epoch III locomotives and 149 epoch IV locomotives.
Class E 94
This package includes 26 epoch III locomotives and 26 epoch IV locomotives.
Class 86
This package includes 15 epoch III locomotives and 21 epoch IV locomotives.
Classes 294 und 295
This package includes 29 class 294 locomotives and 7 class 295 locomotives.
The other projects
Here I will primarily pursue the completion of my site and the translation of the operating instructions for the OR.
Until next time
Frank Stendel