The class 82 is here
Endlich ist das Paket mit den Lokomotiven der Baureihe 82 fertiggestellt worden. Es enthält 41 Lokomotiven der Epoche III und 13 Lokomotiven der Epoche IV. und kann unter folgendem Querverweis heruntergeladen werden.
The NbE V 100 package has been expanded
As announced, the package with the NbE V 100 has been expanded to include the three OnRail locomotives and can be downloaded from the following link.
You can also access the packages via the
Rolling Stock subpage here on my site. You can also download all other locomotive and wagon packages there.
What's next?
Next comes the summer break and we continue with the weekly report for calendar week 35 on 09.03.2023.
Until next time
Frank Stendel